Friday, July 18, 2008

Long time no see..

Well....its been a long time never see Randy, Lrt, Steven, Sophia and Loke Loke...miss u guys le...Last Saturday..i guess...i went to Kim Jiang's school.... oh my god!!! I falled i love with his school le...his school damn syok...all majority chinese.. so damn good.. so many leng zai leng lui.. PRS there completely different with my school's...i so envy with them la...i went there because of the PRS day..his school invited my school to attend...haiz.. That was so school only got three persons including me... Suit Yee school all 10 persons also got come.. i so damn pai seh when their MC introduce my school...then some more ask a wakil to get up the stage and talk something.. haiz.. no need say la..the person ma me lo...i went up..bla bla..when come down..their school's PRS shouted their leng lui slogan... see.. leng lui leng zai slogan also got school...dun dream la..
His school really fantastic.. the counsellors so kind and so support their PRS activities wan...The PRS day's card...and etc..all this things their PRS AJK did themselves wan... so kerjasama....really good la...the students there a lots are talented in a lot things... especially the MC guy..i think is chun hong if im not mistaken...he and his brother so damn geng in dancing...and very active...beside that...the MC girl..cheng cheng i think.. she very cute le...the games they prepare quite fun whole body got wet when they play the water bom game.... a lot of them are very active and friendly...i feel comfortable when playing games with them and chit chat with them.....
But too bad.. my mom dun let me shift to there.. i got lots of friend study there kim jiang lo..the mong kar keong lo.. form five de choon heng lo...form one de joyce lo...and etc la... KJ school is a very cool de school..students got freedom..teacher so good...haiz..wat to do..can dream only la chinese gang member.. plz la.. plz...plz log in and post something la... dissapointed with u guys la...k la...see you guys next time la... be
